Credit cards have dramatically altered how people deal with transactions. Whether through point of sale devices or online procedure, credit cards can be operated to make any payment. One can acquire any good or procure any service on credit without any sort of hitch or trouble. However, credit cards are not devoid of any security issues. Users can be duped through various fraudulent means. In the present times when cyber crimes are on a steady rise, one must be wary of not falling prey to such illegal practices. One such illegitimate method is that of skimming where the card’s information is stolen when the respective person swipes at unauthorized machines. Also, scammers can pose as bank agents to deceive gullible users who also divulge information about the credit card which should never have been disclosed.
Despite undertaking various precautionary measures, one can always become a victim of such fraudsters. This can prove to be disastrous as some hefty amount can be credited to the person’s account without a fault of his own. Even if the amount is not a huge one, no one should ever have to pay for something which they didn’t avail. Hence, it becomes imperative that people opt for credit cards that possess strong and substantial policies against cybercrimes. The credit card issuers should offer a smooth and hassle-free registration process for reporting the theft of the card or any unwarranted use. Safety and security measures should be on the zenith of the priority list when one decides to fill the credit card application online or offline. The majority of credit cards in India have solid security measures against fraudulent actions. Here’s a list of the best credit cards in India that guarantee top-notch safety.
- HSBC Visa Platinum Credit Card: The Visa Platinum credit card by HSBC, which is available at zero joining and renewal fee, is among the best credit cards in India in terms of security. In case of accidentally misplacing or losing the credit card, one can be free of all liabilities for payments made through the credit card. This security measure can be realized only when the individual has reported to HSBC about losing the credit card. Moreover, the bank covers for the fraudulent use of the credit card up to a limit of Rs.3,00,000 for a period of 24 hours before registration of the incident. By touching base with Visa Global Assistance Services or HSBC Helpline numbers, one can get their credit card blocked in case of losing it. Moreover, within three days, one can access an emergency card in any corner of the world.
- Kotak Royale Signature Credit Card: The Royale Signature Credit Card by Kotak Mahindra Bank tenders a cover of a maximum of Rs.2,50,000 in case of any sanctioned or illegal usage. This cover is provided for a maximum period of seven days before the act is reported. One should mandatorily call the helpline number to get the card blocked as soon as one loses the card or suspect anything fishy.
- SBI PRIME Credit Card: The SBI PRIME Credit Card grants a liability cover of up to Rs.1,00,00 in any case of an unauthorized transaction. Moreover, one can access a complimentary Air Accident Liability Cover of a maximum of Rs.50,00,000.
- Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard: The four-in-one Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard is equipped with robust security features. It boasts of the feature of ‘in-hand security’ which allows the users enhanced control of the card. The utilization of the card can be monitored through the RBL MyCard application. A ‘Zero-fraud liability cover’ renders the users stress-free. Moreover, one can apply for the Wallet Care: Card Protection Plan to cover up to Rs.2,00,00 at just a nominal fee of Rs.699. One other feature includes a 24/7 blocking service to block the card in case of any mishap.
So, when one decides to own a credit card, safety should be of paramount significance. Get hold of the Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard to enjoy the protection of the highest order from scams or other accidents.