The need for a tow truck occurs frequently and unexpectedly. The driver and passengers must decide whether to wait for the truck or locate another ride. Here’s how to figure out which option is best for you.
When to Depart: Most drivers are afraid to exit their automobiles, but doing so is sometimes necessary.
- Unfamiliar Territory
If a vehicle breaks down in an unfamiliar place where the potential of assault or other crime appears to exist, consider calling a cab or a friend. Tow truck drivers do not require the keys to remove a vehicle, so do not put yourself at risk by leaving them behind. Property loss is covered by insurance, but personal safety is never worth the risk.
- Weather Conditions
When the weather is bad, you should think about taking a ride. Extreme temperatures can be deadly, especially if the car is immobile and cannot give relief from the heat or cold. Dangerous driving conditions, such as severe rain or dense fog, are also a major worry.
- Highway Traffic
A breakdown on a crowded highway is one of the most perilous scenarios. Every year, stranded motorists and tow truck drivers are injured, and in some cases killed, when another car strikes them while they are standing on the side of the road. Despite the fact that states have enacted “move over” laws to attract attention to this issue, tragedies continue to occur.
When to Remain: It is sometimes preferable to wait for the tow truck to come to your vehicle. Think about it in the following scenarios.
- Important Cargo
You may need to stay if the crippled vehicle is delivering valuable cargo that cannot be easily transferred to another vehicle. Tow truck operators cannot be held liable for personal goods left behind.
- Simple Repair
The mechanical issue could be something that the tow truck driver can remedy on the spot. Common roadside services include dead batteries and empty gas tanks. Many roadside repairs are less expensive than towing and repair somewhere, however not all companies provide this service. The ability to operate on the car is also dependent on the location’s safety.
- Garage Repair
Another reason to stay is if the vehicle is being driven immediately to a garage during their working hours. The company may have enough time to complete the repair or, at the very least, identify the problem and submit an estimate. If you stay with your automobile, you will be able to inspect the facility before any work on the vehicle begins if you are unfamiliar with the company.
What to Keep in Mind: Remember personal safety whether you stay or go. Pull a drivable car as far off the road as possible, and do not join those who are unable to move. Stay far enough away to avoid debris in the event of an accident. After dark, keep your running lights on so approaching traffic can see where you are, and never stay in a vehicle that is blocking a driving lane.
Contact the towing firm and inform them of your plans to seek shelter somewhere. Request a callback five minutes before the driver arrives so that you can meet them at the vehicle.