What are the Features of angular JS ? And all about Angular JS Training

Angular JS, an open-source version-view-controller framework, nearly much like the javascript framework. It is one of the well-known web frameworks of this technological global.

This framework becomes wished at some point of developing unmarried page packages. thus, the use of it guarantees the best creation of single-page applications.

Angularjs features

Being having one of the effective frameworks within the marketplace, angular JS  has many functions. allows study following to recognize approximately its attributes:

  1. MVC Architecture

MVC or version view controller architecture is the number one feature of this framework. This function hikes up the price of the framework in terms of customer-side development and also sets the base for other great features together with facts binding, and so forth. Also, Angularjs robotically integrates all the elements of the app. consequently; developers can use this app to make internet applications walking smoothly. Angular JS Training in Noida

  1. -way binding

Whilst one-way facts-binding architecture is authorized to amend the fee of the facts inside the model to offer that amendment in the view or vice-versa. but, Angularjs gives two-manner binding solutions wherein builders can amend both fashions and additionally view it by amending the value. accordingly, Angularjs schooling makes the career of web builders feasible; consequently, selecting this career will never be a favored decision.

  1. directives

Angularjs extends in addition to HTML as it has to have a fixed of inbuilt capabilities referred to as directives. with Angularjs, those directives can be self-created. the basic characteristic of these directives is to grow the functionality of the HTML in a number one manner to show it like-minded with dynamic patron-aspect applications.

  1. Modules

On this framework, one module specifies one app, and it’s miles within the vicinity of that module, all of the wonderful factors of the app exist. to feature exclusive factors in a module, one-of-a-kind methods are used. to feature controller, users may also use the underneath-written syntax:

modulename = angular.module(“controllername”, [ ]

Moreover, customers can upload exclusive factors to the module with syntaxes.

consequently, what is excellent within the modules of angularjs, it inherently overcomes the barriers of worldwide function exploitation by way of proscribing the goal of all of the features to the module in which it was used and described.


Angularjs framework offers a listing of occasion directives that run in conjunction with the HTML event. the maximum common events in Angularjs includes ng-alternate, ng-click on, ng-blur, and ng-recognition, which improves the ability of the internet site apps with -way binding.

  1. Filters

angular js is equipped with filters that might be used to formats the facts to enhance fitting. with these filters, builders become capable of amending the facts into the applicable format of records, foreign money, etc. in addition, the filters can use to set up a string of information by way of along with these to the directives with a pipe individual.


In javascript, developers are taken into consideration to provide more focus at the testability of the code. but, in angularjs, builders are free of this need. This framework has a help checking out system with attributes like di (dependency injection). Similarly, with it, testers can add the check facts to research the behavior and output. Consequently getting to know angular js online certification will make your destiny possible and secured as this framework is important amongst others.


angularjs offers a set of offerings to talk with the servers to get hold of or ship information whilst also allowing the needed information without integrating with the mvc of the framework. the offerings offered by angularjs consists of $timeout, vicinity, $http, and $c language.

angular functions infographic

What are directives in angularjs?

Directives in angularjs are used to extend HTML. They’re unique factors beginning with ng-prefix. it has the following directives:

  • nag-app: this directive commences an angularjs utility.
  • Ng-init− this directive loads utility statistics.
  • Ng-version− this directive specifies the version this is variable that’s used in angularjs.
  • Ng-repeat− this directive repeats HTML components for every object in a group.

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