The Benefits of a Medically Supervised Weight-Loss Program


Medically aided weight loss gives you an advantage over self-managed diet and exercise plans. Making this significant change, however, can be difficult on your own. This is where a medically supervised program can make a significant difference.

  1. Takes into account your overall health

When you choose a medically assisted weight loss plan, you begin with knowledgeable physicians who are familiar with your health and weight loss objectives. They are aware of the potential risk factors you face, allowing you to concentrate on the lifestyle changes that will give you the best long-term success.

The truly wonderful thing about a medically supervised program is that you do not go into it assuming – or hoping – that you will not make decisions that are potentially harmful to your health. Your doctor will screen you for pre-existing conditions, such as pre-hypertension before you begin your program. Then you will be given diet and exercise recommendations based on your current fitness level and medical requirements. As you begin to lose weight and your health improves, your doctor will make changes to your program as needed, while also keeping you informed about your overall health.

  1. Offers a personalized diet plan

Changing your eating habits is not easy. When you quit smoking, there is no “right” level to achieve; you simply eliminate them from your life. That is not possible with food. It is the fuel your body requires to function and heal and let us face it, it is a lot of fun, both directly and indirectly.

Many patients need to address and change their relationship with food in order to maintain healthy habits. You will also have access to prescription medications to suppress your appetite and boost your metabolism if you are under medical supervision. Your doctor should be able to reassure you that you will be able to enjoy food while making changes to your diet plan that demonstrate a better way to use the calories you consume.

  1. Provides an aesthetic finish

You may not notice any physical weight loss results at first, but you will begin to feel healthier and have more energy to do the things you want to do within a few weeks. Once your new habits become ingrained in your daily life, you will notice how much better you look as you lose weight. Clothes will either fit better or become looser. Your friends and family will congratulate you on your weight loss. Best of all, as you continue to work with your health professional on your diet and exercise plans, you will be confident that the positive changes you are making will be long-lasting and result in a significantly improved quality of life.

  1. Exercise Advice and Instruction Tailored to Your Specific Needs

Whether you have been a couch potato for years or are active but are not taking full advantage of a comprehensive diet and exercise plan, your doctor can design a fitness program that is both challenging and achievable for you. Small amounts of exercise produce remarkable results, but it is easy to overdo it. Fitness plans must include reasonable benchmarks so that you can meet your objectives while remaining challenging enough to produce results. A healthy weight loss program allows you to eat whatever you want in moderation while also becoming more active and enjoying life.
