Self Defense Tips from Experts

The first thing to get out of the way is that self-defense is meant for weak people. No. self-defense is meant for everybody who wishes to be safe in the outside world. You could need to protect yourself from harm, danger, or a predator anytime, anywhere. It is vital to have the right mindset for why you need to know the art of self-defense. 


What are the types of self-defense techniques? 


  • Jujutsu
  • Taekwondo
  • Krav Maga
  • Aikido
  • Muay Thai


Who can get into self-defense?  


Women: As much as it is painful, women go through a lot on the streets. Usually, they are overtaken due to a lack of physical strength and techniques to fight the wrong. Women must know self-defense techniques. It is not so they could talk about it but so they can use it if they might use them should circumstances ever prevail.  


Old people: People of all ages must know self-defense. One knows they would not be as quick and agile but at least they would know what to do during an emergency. Reduces the chances of mugging but multiple folds.  


Kids: If kids are taught from an early age about self-defense and the importance of keeping themselves safe, they will turn into strong, equipped, and considerate individuals.  

Why should you know about self-defense?  


  • Confidence: Imagine you are put in a situation, unprepared and unsupervised. Even if it is as simple as writing an essay or as hard as driving a car, you would not be able to break through if you do not have any idea about what the practice is in the first place. Similar is the case with self-defense. It is foolish to listen to people say you would not need to defend yourself since you would not be in trouble. You or anybody could be in trouble and might need to defend yourself. Self-defensive techniques equip you with the right mindset and body posture to be at your best at all times. This instils confidence and the belief to escape any emergency.


  • Alertness: Self-defence requires a lot of staying at bay and being constantly alert of your surroundings. Being alert improves your reflex actions, which is a huge element when you are learning the art of self-defense. This also helps improve focus, attention to detail, and the unparalleled gift of being present in whatever it is that you are doing.


  • Help others: Self-defence is not just limited to you. It helps you as much as it helps other people. Often, if people see the injustice of harassment around them, they choose to stay quiet because they think they would not be able to put up a good fight. While it is important to first off try and sort things out verbally, if somebody is being stubborn, it is your chance to step up for yourself and the people around you.


  • Develop new skills: Self-defense is not about aggressively fighting. It is about keeping yourself safe without being dependent on other people. With self-defense techniques, you learn a lot about your body and sneaky tricks that help you stay safe in any environment and around any person.


  • Body balance and fitness: If you were to point one thing that most people do unknowingly, what would that be? Slouching. People want to keep a straight posture but cannot. Self-defense classes can help you with this and so much more. Self-defense includes training, practice, and punctuality. When you stick to a schedule, your body starts running by it, thus keeping it fit. Moreover, self-defense techniques make you quick and agile. If you were to keep a trained professional and a common person under the same parameter for threat, the professional individual well verse with self-defense techniques would be able to work better. Why? Better body balance and quick reflexes are possible because of a healthy and alert body.