RSMSSB Gram Sevak Bharti Latest Recruitment 2021: Apply Now


Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment 2021 notified. This is a golden opportunity for an unemployed applicant. Aspirants visit and check the official site for all the important information that you should be known related to the recruitment.

RSMSSB Gram Sevak Recruitment 2021 is out now all the aspirants out there apply for 3896 posts now. The long-awaited Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment will be released soon to recruit participants to the posts of Lab Technician, Gram Sevak, Tehsil Revenue & Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector 2021-22. After the release of the advertisement, the online application process will start. So, candidates were asked to read out the full information and avoid any confusion related to the Recruitment. The details about the RSMSSB Gram Sevak Recruitment 2021 will be provided below so go through it.

Rajasthan Gram Sevak Bharti 2021Rajasthan Gram Sevak Bharti 2021

Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment 2021 Basic Facts

Name of the Body Rajasthan Subordinate & Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB)
Post Applied For Lab Technician, Gram Sevak, Tehsil Revenue & Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector
Total Vacancy


3896: Total Posts
Non-TSP: 3222
TSP: 674
Selection Process Physical Test

Written Exam 


Date of the Exam Announce soon
Registration Invited Date Announce soon

Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment Release Date

The Thrilled moment for candidates who wants to apply for the vacancy of Rajasthan Gram Sevak. Read the full down article to know about Rajasthan Gram Sevak Recruitment-Age limit, Education pattern, Selection criteria, Application. We are going to provide you with complete information about Rajasthan Gram Sevak Bharti. After the recruitment will be completed by the state government, the complete information will be given on the official website The state government has already increased the pre-budget posts to 3896.

RSMSSB Gram Sevak Recruitment 2021 Total Post

Candidates attention, Applications were invited by the RSMSSB Board to fill the spot of 3896 posts for the Rajasthan Gram Sevak Recruitment 2021.

Application announced by the officials for the vacancies of Lab Technician, Gram Sevak, Tehsil Revenue, and Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector.

Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment 2021 application were invited online. Participants interested and fit for the post do visit the official website to get all the information about the Rajasthan Gram Sevak Bharti 2021.

Name of the Department

Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board

Name of the posts

 Rajasthan Gram Sevak

Number of Vacancies

There were a total of 3896 posts now. The Gram Sevak Recruitment will be released soon to fill participants to the posts of Lab Technician, Gram Sevak, Tehsil Revenue & Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector 2021-22. After 

The announcement will release, the candidates can visit the official site to complete their registration process of Gram Recruitment and also get the full information.

Detail No. Of Vacancies:

RSMSSB will be going to announce various posts to recruit candidates in various Departments. The selection process will be going to be a Physical Test, Written Exam, and Interview which aspirants have to crack to move forward. Notification for the post will soon be announced by RSMMB on the official website so candidates keep on visiting the site to avoid any confusion and delay.

Post Name Total Vacancies Announced
Lab Technician in Health Department 1019 Posts
Gram Sevak in Panchayatiraj Department 3896 Posts
Tehsil Revenue Accountant in Rajasv Department 124 Posts
Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector in Transportation Department 181 Posts

Gram Sevak 2021 Education Needed

Aspirants must be a 12th Pass out or the equivalent degree from the institution or University is needed. For all the information related to education qualification, please visit the official website and see the notification by the department.

Gram Sevak 2021 Pay Procedure

Rajasthan Gram Sevak Recruitment 2021, selected applicants in Rajasthan Gram Sevak Bharti 2021 will get 5200-20210 + 2400 grade pay per month.

Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment Age Limits

 The minimum required age of the candidate is 18 and the maximum is 25 years for the Rajasthan Gram Sevak Vacancy 2021, Please see official notifications for age relaxation.

Rajasthan Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment 2021

Examination Fee

Candidates read down the below information to know about the fee required based on the category for the RSMSSB GRAM SEVAK RECRUITMENT 2021.

  • General Class (General) – Rs 650
  • Other Backward Classes (OBC) – Rs 450
  • ST, SC, PH – Rs 350

Rajasthan Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment Selection Process 

 Candidates will be selected for Rajasthan Gram Sevak Recruitment 2021 based on the physical test, written exam, and Interview. 

  • Physical Test
  • Written Exam
  • Interview

Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment 2021 Application Form Filling Procedure

To fill RSMSSB Gram Sevak Recruitment 2021 candidate first need to generate the registration ID to start the Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment Application process. Aspirants have to check all the details that whether they are eligible to apply for the recruitment process or not. Choose the post according to your interest and what you are looking for. Candidates note that only online forms will be allowed offline or any other mode of filling will not be accepted, the application form will be taken only once you paid the fee otherwise the application process will not be complete. Participants make sure to check all the filled details before the submission, once the fee is paid it will not be refunded back. So, please go through all the information carefully to avoid any mishappening.

Here, are the steps candidates can go through to fill RSMSSB Gram Sevak Recruitment 2021.

  1. To commence the registration process visit the Official site
  2. 2. Go on Application Notification Option
  3. Click on the RSMSSB Application Notification Option and a new web page asking details will be open
  4. Fill All the Details asked, Signature, and photo
  5. Pay the Application Fee
  6. Click on Submit Button
  7. Download and take out the print for future

All the aspirants drop your comment down and visit the site for any query.

So, all the aspirants out there go and fill your Recruitment forms before they go out of date. Also, for any queries leave your comment and we will try to solve it.

If you want more information about Rajasthan Gram Sevak Bharti Recruitment simply visit our website.

