Reasons to Choose Ethical and Sustainable Fashion

Good- Stitch Organic cotton tshirtGood- Stitch Organic cotton tshirt

Revolution in the textile industry is at its peak and consumers are loving the ongoing trend. Clothing crafted from organic material is dominating the market and winning the hearts of environmentally and socially conscious individuals. Eco-nuts who are willing to do their bit for the environment by any means are opting for clothes that don’t consume natural resources.

Sustainability and Consumers Mindset

 Sustainable clothes are in huge demand owing to the natural properties they bring to the table. This is the reason why everyone is turning towards organic and eco-friendly clothes. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, each one of us expects them to be 100% organic, then why don’t we pay the same heed to garments. Why do we end up buying cheap and low-quality clothes that may have an adverse effect on our health?

Perks Associated with Sustainable Fashion

Most people think that sustainably sourced clothes don’t make them look cool and stylish and that is the reason why they look for other options. The reality is, sustainable fashion comes with plenty of options where one may choose their favorite design, style, and color. The biggest benefit is, not only you have the freedom to flaunt your personal style but also you experience lots of health benefits.

Why to Avoid Fast Fashion

Clothes not only define who you are but also ensure that you are feeling comfortable and flexible. With Cheap and poor-quality garments you can’t get what your body needs unlike 100% organic cotton clothes with which you are sure to get optimum comfort. We are all a part of a world where saving the planet is critically important as it has been getting damaged owing to the selfish activities of humankind. Meeting the needs of society at the expense of the environment is not acceptable as this may lead to severe effects.

Global Problems Associated with Fast Fashion

The environment has already got harmed due to overexploitation that leads to the destruction of resources, population, and deforestation. There are other problems like global warming and biodiversity loss that can even lead to human extinction.

The Arrival of Eco-Conscious Brands

The need of the hour is to support and encourage brands that follow sustainable practices to produce apparels. Ultimately, preserving the natural resources should be the utmost priority and eco-conscious brands do so.

Drawbacks of Cheap Garments

Every year a massive amount of energy and chemicals go into the making of cheap apparels that neither last long nor benefit your health. In addition, these chemical-stuffed apparels cause great damage to the environment while gifting you various skin problems. The damage done to this planet by garments driven through synthetic processes is not something fashion magazines are talking about.

Sustainability and Consciousness

However, things are gradually improving with the emergence of the concept of sustainable fashion. People have become health-conscious than ever before and are choosing clothing that proves beneficial to their skin. They are looking for health benefits not only in food items but in clothing too. The awareness over the years has made the decision-making easy for the consumers.

Importance of Ethical Fashion

Now you can see more and more people around you who talk about eco-friendly clothing, fast fashion, and its consequences on the environment. Ethical fashion is concerned with the safety of workers, working conditions of factories, fair wages, and other factors that ensure that everything is going ethically.

What Does Ethical Fashion Address

From designing to distribution, ethical fashion focuses on reducing the negative impact on animals, people, and the planet. The system addresses how long the clothes last before they reach landfills. Cheap and low-quality garments harm the environment not only during manufacturing but also when they are discarded after use.

Fast Fashion and Low-Class Countries

To break the series of destruction, it is of utmost important to aim for sustainability. Your health is of critical importance and so is soil. Many low-class countries that give utmost priority to fast-fashion to keep up with the changing trends treat poorly with the workers like slaves.

Consumer Buying Behavior Patterns

The actual problem lies in consumer buying behavior patterns as consumers are the ones who create demand for fast-fashion. In order to meet the huge demand of a vast majority of consumers, the companies start producing garments in unethical and harmful ways. This process ends up consuming natural resources that are needed to be preserved and without which human survival isn’t possible.

Brands Who Follow Sustainable Practices

Brands who are into the business of sustainable fashion, not only positively impacting the environment but also ensuring better working conditions, fair wages, and no cruelty. 100 billion items of clothing produced per year and 85% of cheaply made end up in landfills.

Eco and Health-friendly Clothing

Why change clothes every 3 months, when you have the option to own health-friendly clothes that not only feel good on your skin but also last long. You want to stock your wardrobe with quality clothing that will stay for years, you just have to make more conscious choice by opting for environment-friendly clothes.

If you are the one who gets irritated by constant itching and some other skin issue, it’s time to invest in clothing driven through natural processes. Eco-friendly clothing comes with these premium properties:

  • Soft, Airy & Breathable
  • Hypoallergenic & Skin-friendly
  • Cozy, Comfortable & Flexible
  • Light-weight, Odorless & Durable
  • Pilling-proof with No Shrinkage
  • Natural Dyes with No Fading
  • Great Strength, Great Endurance

You need to support those brands who are making conscious efforts to bring a positive change to society through their clothing range.

In the recent years, the term “sustainability” has managed to aware and influence health and socially-conscious individuals. Consumers today are aware of the product which is likely to release chemicals into their skin. This is the reason why educated and well-informed consumers are shifting their purchasing decisions. One needs to buy sustainable not because it’s prevalent in the market but because there is a strict need to do something towards the betterment of the environment.

Sonu Singh: I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.