Lovers’ Quarrels on Trips: 10 Things Couples Commonly Argue About When Traveling

If you’re wondering if you’re the only couple that quarrels on a sunshine-filled exciting vacation, you’re absolutely wrong! What makes you think that way?! Of course, as if it’s a requirement, there are things that couples disagree with when they are on a trip. Small and big issues, yes there are.

Even in the middle of sweet, loving relationships, fighting during trips does happen. And most of the time, it’s not surprising and not really serious to the point of breaking up. You know what that means.

Now, take a look at these 10 things couples commonly argue about when traveling. They can help you avoid love quarrels while on peaceful trips. As a bonus, they can help you identify the reason why your partner just gets mad at you on the road without warning ha-ha-ha. Read on!

1 – Waking up late and running late

You created a clear trip schedule to maximize your time and to miss nothing on your destinations. Everything is packed and set — bags, cameras, snacks and all. The only thing left for you and your husband or wife to do is to leave the house or the hotel accommodation you’re staying in.

But oh nooo… your partner wakes up late or both of you wake up late. Of course, it will produce a domino effect. You will run late for your flight or for your first itinerary. That’s unless you’re ready to skip breakfasts and other segments of your morning routine.

Expect to hear and do pin-pointings of why you woke up late and who did. Alright, there goes the blaming time, which will actually never help you move faster. The dispute is lighter if both parties are at fault, but when only one is, envision an early war.

2 – Disagreeing about what adventures to do

The awesome part of traveling is going on adventures. Gaining new experiences and building beautiful memories are priceless rewards of wonderful trips. It sounds so perfect until you and your boyfriend or girlfriend disagree about what adventures to do.

You want to try paragliding, but he doesn’t. He wants to skydive, but you’re scared for yourself and for him too, so you still don’t want him to skydive solo. You wish to try tandem bungee jumping, but she says she will never do it even for money. She’s into volcano viewing, but you’re not.

Adventures are a major part of trips, and disagreeing here delays everything and leaves scars on your bucket lists. “I should’ve just gone here alone.” Oops, don’t say that or else, it’s going to be worse than just an adventure selection issue.

3 – Difficulty in booking transportation

Although this could be out of your control, the difficulty in booking transportation on your trip can be a reason for a quarrel.

Because the guy forgot to press “book driver”, the girl is in an annoyed, unbelieving state as they have been waiting for nothing for a few minutes already. Because the girl thought it would be easy to book a cab from where they are, she books it late just for them to find out that it’s hard and traffic. The guy says, “See, I told you. Now, this happened.” Silence fills the air.

This won’t really happen though if you have a fixed transportation booking for your whole trip, so better be prepared instead!

4 – Issues in booking hotels

It may seldom happen, but issues in booking hotels where there are misunderstandings between the couple as clients and the hotel accommodation management may lead to some private quarrels between the couple too. They could be blaming one another for not verifying booking details or for not communicating properly with regards to the hotel accommodation, causing the booking issues.

There are lots of possible scenarios to this, and they’re too specific, so they won’t be listed here anymore. Just know that it’s stressful because it involves another party, which is the hotel staff.

5 – Taking photos different from what’s visualized

It’s supposed to be funny and cute, but it becomes serious when the partner posing for photos gets tired and when the partner holding the camera gets annoyed too.

When the guy takes photos different from what the girl visualizes, it’s frustrating for both of them. They want an Instagram-worthy shot, but all they get to say is, “One more time!” They bicker and say that they should have hired a travel photographer instead, but of course, they’re just not in a good mood, so words come out of their mouth often thoughtlessly. After some time, they will simply laugh it out — hopefully.

6 – Forgetting an important travel item at home

If you’re talking about surprise arguments during couple trips, you’re definitely pertaining to this one. Forgetting an important item at home is a huge problem, and it can start a huge chaos. You won’t see it coming until you realize that the thing is *drum rolls* not in your luggage but left in your closet at home.

Most especially if the object is irreplaceable and unique, cannot be easily bought elsewhere and/or custom-made, this is when the partner accountable regrets everything he or she has done to forget that precious item. If you’re that partner, you know the feeling of wanting to bring back time. Meanwhile, if you’re the one who gets angry for the other’s mistake, you know the feeling of wanting to make them go home and get that item.

No matter how tiny that essential travel item may be, forgetting it at home is a big deal.

7 – Traveling through heavy traffic

One of you is driving your private car as you travel locally. Or you just rented a couple vehicle on your international trip. You’re using a navigation device, but you did not follow it, leading you to a route with distressing, heavy traffic. The almost-motionless traffic is one of the worst perfect moments for a fight.

“You didn’t follow the map, so here we are!”

“I already told you to take the other way, and you didn’t listen!”

“If only you’ve driven through my suggested street, we wouldn’t be suffering in this traffic.”

You can already imagine it, complete with the tones and pitches.

8 – Getting lost

Aside from unexpectedly taking a congested road, getting lost can be a couple travel issue. Well, for some couples, getting lost while traveling is fun and another way to create new memories. But for others, it’s totally not!

Especially when you’re trying to catch the special operating hours of the country’s most popular patisserie, amusement park or musical theatre, getting lost is a no-go! Scenarios might be similar to the ones mentioned above this number, but the difference is that you lost your way this time.

9 – Fighting over the travel budget

Regardless of whether you and your partner can afford luxurious travel or not, fighting over the travel budget is another couple trip thing. You’re spending too much or too little, and it could be an issue. Only you, the couple, understand why you’re arguing about it since money matters are often confidential.

10 – Unnecessarily using mobile gadgets while traveling

You make time amid your busy schedules, and you spend money to travel together, so every minute should be cherished and enjoyed to the fullest. When one is constantly and unnecessarily using mobile gadgets while traveling, it’s annoying for the partner who wants to live in the moment. If they’re just going to play video games or chat with friends while on a couple trip, then better stay at home, right? Right! Just by thinking of it, you can already visualize that it’s not simply upsetting but disrespectful. And you can’t blame anyone who gets sad or mad about it, leading to a misunderstanding while on a trip.


There you have those 10 usual roots of couple fights while traveling. They make heads ache more than they do with hearts since these things are just, you know, temporary travel-related arguments. Obviously though, they alter the supposedly nice travel vibe and delay a lot of things. Nonetheless, you can make an effort to shake hands and reconcile. More or less, you will have no choice but to do so since you’re the only people together *stifles laugh*.

But in all seriousness, traveling as a couple is a really good way to bond, enjoy each other’s company and strengthen your relationship. Amidst the busyness of the both of you, spending romantic and memorable trips together is a must. You need to unwind as individuals and as partners, and traveling is one of the best ways to do that!


Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. She finds quality and well-researched writing as a worthwhile avenue to enlighten and delight others about things that matter. For her, it’s restoring and fulfilling to the heart and a great way to clear the mind while loading it up with fresh learning. Film critiquing and filmmaking are among her interests too. Giving all the glory to God, Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.

Sonu Singh: I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.