7 Must-Know Things You Should Know About Vinyasa Yoga

Yoga of EssenceYoga of Essence

Vinyasa Yoga – Yoga has been at the forefront of helping individuals cope with numerous health issues. Whether you are suffering from stress or anxiety, there is a yoga practice for both these issues. This ancient art has been a part of the Indian culture for centuries. Owing to its numerous physical, mental, and spiritual health benefits, yoga has now become a global phenomenon helping millions of people live a healthy and happy life.

A popular yoga style that has become the talk of the town is Vinyasa yoga. The word Vinyasa means flow and it refers to a smooth transition from one yoga pose to the next. It is one of the contemporary styles of yoga with a wide following. However, as per the best yoga schools in India, there are some important things you should know about this style of yoga.

Vinyasa Yoga – In Brief

The first thing you should be clear about this style of yoga is it is the complete opposite of the Hatha yoga style. Where the Hatha yoga classes focus on one specific yoga pose, the Vinyasa yoga classes focus on bringing various yoga asanas together to form a sequence.

Moreover, your breath is paramount when it comes to transitioning from one asana to the next in Vinyasa class. The body movement has to be synchronized with deep breathing.

One thing you should remember is a Vinyasa class has a lot of variety. Whether the class is fast or slow depends on the teacher and the particular sequence they have in mind. Some classes might have a warm-up session while others dive straight into the poses.

However, there are some important things you should know about Vinyasa yoga.

7 Must-Know Things About Vinyasa Class

The Vinyasa yoga school is quite popular and combines body movement with proper breathing techniques. A Vinyasa class can range from power flow to slow flow depending on your want and need.

With that said, given below are seven things you should know about Vinyasa yoga.

1. Alignment Is Important

Regardless of the speed of practice in Vinyasa yoga, body alignment will always have the upper hand. It is as important to hold the right body alignment as it is maintaining the right position during the practice. No one wants to practice yoga at the cost of putting their joints and body’s range of motion at risk.

Although you might think that yoga is all about moving at a specific pace, but it is not about moving mindlessly.

2. Fast It Not Always Right

At times, when you move from one pose to another in the Vinyasa class the muscle memory gets activated and you do yoga poses that you think are the right ones. You have to be mindful when aligning different yoga asanas during the yoga session. The main focus here is to move with ease while maintaining the flow. Enroll in the Yoga Alliance certification course to know more about yoga.

3. Do Not Push Through Pain

Similar to other forms of yoga, Vinyasa too does not means you have to push past where the body is not comfortable. Remember, yoga is more about finding a balance between developing strength and knowing when to stop, and Vinyasa is no exception.

4. Props Are Your Friends

Whether you are just starting Vinyasa or have some experience, remember, yoga props are always there. These keep you safe and help in practicing challenging yoga asanas with ease. You should enroll in the best yoga schools in India and learn Vinyasa under professional guidance.

5. Lots Of Variety

The beauty of Vinyasa yoga lies in the level of creativity that every session offers. There are no set sequences nor any predetermined rules and guidelines. Sometimes, you move with furious speed while other times you would move slowly in silence.

6. Resting Is An Option

When you are in Vinyasa class, there is always the option of rest. Numerous resting poses like Child’s Pose are welcome and always accepted in a yoga session. Remember, a Vinyasa class is more about respecting your body.

Therefore, it is okay to look for a moment of relaxation to regain your breath. Enroll in Yoga Alliance certification to learn this yoga style under highly experienced yoga teachers.

7. Breathing Is Important

The main focus of every yoga style is proper breathing and it is no different with Vinyasa. Your breathing is the connection to the body so it is important to focus on it during the yoga practice.


Do you want to practice a fast-paced yoga style? Enroll in the best yoga schools in India to learn Vinyasa yoga and how it benefits you in the long run.

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