All You Need To Know About PRP Treatment: From Cost To The Procedure And More

PRP hair treatment costPRP hair treatment cost

Hair loss is an issue that has given rise to traumatic events to many sufferers from around the globe. While many tend to rely on natural components, none can match the competency of bearing an effective result than the PRP treatment.

A study has found that the administration of the right topical solution injected in conjunction increases the PRP therapy’s applicability to 70%.

Nonetheless, what many tend to struggle with is the concept of the pro treatment’s monetary factor. Though the procedure is considered adequate and is done by maintaining a gap in each session, the project’s added cost leads many to drop it in between. In this article, we will discuss certain factors about the PRP treatment for your ease.

PRP Hair Treatment Cost

Generally, the treatment procedure of the PRP consists of a minimum of three sessions in 6 weeks. The minimum time for this session is four months. However, one has to focus on conducting the maintenance treatment every four to six months.

So the cost of the whole procedure encompasses the topical medication for the process and the PRP therapy with the follow-up procedure in between four to six months round up to $1,900–$3,900.

The expenses of the initial three steps of the procedure range from $1500 to $3500 as one injection cost can go as high as $400. The PRP hair treatment cost depends on a variety of factors. These factors are mentioned below.

  • The geographic location, meaning where you live
  • The quality of the equipment involved in the procedure
  • The accumulation of nutritive components added to the procedure

Many insurance plans do not cover the PRP treatment expenses, thinking it falls under cosmetic therapy. However, to know otherwise, we recommend you go over it with your insurance provider to see whether the PRP therapy is covered or not.

You Cannot Get A PRP Treatment If You Are Suffering From…

Certain prolonging issues. Yes. If you are going through a prolonged illness, the advisor may advise you to overlook your decision to carry out a PRP treatment.

To meet the therapy’s effectiveness, we recommend you tell the expert about all the medications, including supplements and herbs you are on, so that they can give you the right advice. Here are some of the factors that may affect your chances of getting PRP treatment.

  • If you are on blood thinners
  • You are a heavy smoker
  • If you are an alcoholic
  • If you have a history of drug abuse

Apart from these, if you have been diagnosed with the following illnesses, convey it to your consultants.

  • Acute or chronic infections
  • Cancer
  • chronic liver or skin disease
  • Hypofibrinogenemia
  • hemodynamic instability
  • systemic disorder
  • Sepsis
  • metabolic disorder
  • platelet dysfunction syndromes
  • thyroid disease
  • low platelet count

The Procedure Of PRP Treatment

Generally, PRP therapy includes three steps, as we mentioned earlier. Most of the procedures require the individual to go through at least three sessions of treatment with a gap of four to six weeks. After the treatment procedure is taken care of, you have to do a follow-up check-up every four to six months.

  • Step 1

The first step requires the consultant to draw your blood from the arm. The drawn blood will be put inside a centrifuge for further assessment. A centrifuge is usually a machine that spins so rapidly, resulting in the separation of the blood’s fluids into different densities.

  • Step 2

After ten minutes have passed into the centrifuge, the blood will go through the process of separation. You will notice three layers of blood: platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma, and red blood cells.

  • Step 3

In this step, the platelet-rich plasma will be taken from the centrifuge using a syringe and injected into the areas where hair growth is improved.


Though many have concluded that the PRP is not an effective way to boost hair growth, the small group studies where this procedure was assessed have showcased that the result of PRP treatment has enough scientific data to back its substantial findings. While medication like Rogaine or Propecia is used for boosting hair growth, none can match the efficacy of the PRP therapy.
