How To Find New Customers With Company Gadgets

New Customers With Company GadgetsNew Customers With Company Gadgets

The marketing strategies necessary to guarantee visibility to your brand are numerous and must be carefully selected; not all, in fact, have the same efficiency nor do they necessarily adapt to every type of company.

Among the many marketing proposals, some are particularly versatile and can therefore be suitable for all company profiles; among these are the gadgets.

The gadget business to be within a more complex marketing strategy that aims to brand awareness, ie the recognition of the brand. To do this, of course, it is necessary to carry out a long and careful communication work and choose the right strategies that lead customers to trust the brand and, therefore, to choose it continuously.

The gadget is precisely one of the techniques most appreciated by companies that want to create a continuous interaction with the customer, retaining him and offering him a useful tool in everyday life and able to strengthen the relationship with other companies or with customers.

Finding customers in the age of web marketing

Over the past twenty years, consumer behavior has changed a lot thanks to the development of the network. In fact, not only have online purchases increased, but also the competence of buyers has improved: before making a purchase, in fact, people tend to do research on the net, informing themselves about the different products, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.

To adapt correctly to the new needs of the market, companies must aim not only to sell a product through a simple advertising spot, but to carry out a complex marketing action, with posts and informative and informative articles on the product itself as well as on everything. How much it is connected to it.

By providing concrete and useful information, you have the opportunity to increase your network traffic, increase the number of followers on social networks and, above all, that of customers who, after obtaining the information they were looking for, proceed with the purchase of the service or product. .

Precisely for this reason, modern companies can no longer focus solely and exclusively on a website but must be able to count on a network of online solutions capable of guaranteeing informative content on products and services and not just images and prices.

This is why it becomes essential to associate a blog with the website to provide insights, as well as be present on social networks for fast and direct communications with customers and potential customers.

Choose a corporate gadget as an alternative

But how do the strategies related to the promotion of corporate gadgets fit in with those of digital marketing? The answer is very simple and concerns the new marketing strategies, in particular the one known as the marketing mix.

An example of a marketing mix is ​​the one that makes use of the 4Ps, namely Product, Price, Place and Promotion (respectively Product, Price, Point of Sale and Promotion). The gadget, therefore, more than an alternative to a particular marketing strategy, can be placed as an element of completion of the same: it represents the promotion of the company’s service or product.

As with all the previous strategy, however, also for the selection of the gadget or gadgets it is necessary to proceed with a careful study, not only to define the type of object to give, but also the period and the distribution.

Gadgets are often offered at particular times of the year, such as Christmas, Easter or in summer, before the classic holidays; in other cases they choose instead to distribute them during specific events, such as fairs, conferences or other.

Both solutions are particularly valid as long as, once again, they have a well-structured plan behind them, that is a strategy that aims to increase the awareness of the brand or to retain a greater number of customers and not only to create objects to give to customers or potential such.

When to use a corporate gadget

One of the most important aspects to consider when preparing a marketing campaign involving the release of gadgets is the best time to use a gadget. From this point of view it should be noted that this choice is not objective but depends a lot on the brand and its sales strategies.

Generally speaking, gadgets given away at Christmas are a widely used practice, especially towards regular or, so to speak, historical customers.

Depending on the case, you can proceed with a real gadget, that is a pen, a calendar, a USB key or other small objects in which the name of the brand is reported; another option is instead that of opting for a more important gift from the point of view of practicality of use, such as a bag, a table organizer, an agenda or other.

This choice is particularly used above all by companies that operate in B2B and therefore have to do with realities that in some way can be considered a little more demanding. The gadget proper, on the other hand, is more suitable for end customers and therefore very much chosen by B2C companies.

As already mentioned above, even during fairs or conferences it is very common to prepare gadgets to be left to visitors and participants. In this context it may be useful to prepare differentiated solutions, depending on the type of customer.

For example, it is possible to prepare small objects to be distributed to all participants as well as gadgets of greater value to be released instead to those who stopped at the stand, requested information and showed a greater interest in the company’s activities.

The risk of the Christmas gadget, as well as that released to the general public during fairs or events, is that it can be taken for granted in some way, because it is expected by the customer; moreover, both at Christmas and during fairs or conferences there are many companies that carry out promotions of this type and the idea of ​​the uniqueness of the gadget is lost.

Just think of how many, at the exit of the fairs, are full of envelopes containing brochures, information materials and gadgets which often do not even remember the origin. Much more useful, however, to make gadgets in different periods from the classic ones, for example for the anniversary of the company, or on the occasion of the launch of a product or service.

In this case the gadget becomes a promotional tool closely linked to a particular event and not just to the name of the company.

How much does a gadget cost?

This question does not have a single answer: there are in fact many types of objects that can be used as gadgets, from a simple pen, more or less economical depending on the model, to more important and valuable objects such as bags or technological devices.

If, in fact, the term gadget was born to indicate small objects of little value for the exclusive promotional use of a brand or a product, over time it has increasingly taken on the meaning of a real gift.

Therefore, alongside the classic key rings, pens, calendars or notepads, objects of greater value are increasingly selected, to be used for a selected clientele. In this case it is easy to understand how gadgets can have very variable prices, from a few cents up to hundreds of euros.

Another aspect to take into consideration when thinking about the cost of a gadget is related to the quantity. Prices, in fact, may vary depending on the number of items you buy, be they tens, hundreds or thousands.

Finally, printing the brand logo is an additional cost, especially if it is a color design.

You can get an idea of ​​the prices of gadgets by taking a look at a website which includes a series of categories from which to take inspiration: pens, bags, mugs, key rings, USB sticks and much more.

Which gadget to choose: standard or custom

Once again it is necessary to underline a detail: the choice of the gadget depends a lot on the moment in which it is used and on the customers it is addressed to.

In general, the differentiation of gadgets for new or historical customers is an excellent choice, as it allows value to customers who have been choosing the company’s products or services for the longest time; standard gadgets are more suitable for the general public.

Differentiating the gadgets also allows you to send a different message, that is, it represents a way to make yourself known by new customers, but it is instead an action more aimed at thanking for the trust as regards historical customers.

Another aspect to consider is how to make the gadget recognizable, whether by printing the logo, a motto or other elements that allow you to connect the gadget to the company.

Today it is more and more common to choose to use a hashtag with the company motto rather than the logo: it is a new way of communicating very suitable especially for companies operating in technology or with young customers.


Making company gadgets is a way to promote your Custom Animated Videos, service or product. Of course, it is essential to include it in a more complete marketing campaign, thus ensuring greater importance even to the gadget itself.

Today, many launch campaigns include the presence of gadgets for customers: however it should be emphasized that the choice of this small gift is not always easy, especially due to the large number of objects that can be used.

Sonu Singh: I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.