How to Choose Plumbing for the Toilet?


As mentioned above, your apartment can be planned both jointly and separately. If you have a toilet and a bathroom together in the same room. Then in order to equip the toilet. You can do only with a toilet bowl and a bidet. In the event that you have separate planning.  Before choosing a plumbing, you will need to steam up a little here.

Since it is not easy to set up a comfortable private room

To calculate which plumbing to choose and the cost of future plumbing for the toilet.  It is advisable to make a list of items that you will definitely need in advance.

Toilet bowl:

In the first place on this list, of course, is the toilet. It is the most needed and the most expensive. It is recommended to start your choice from it. Already around the toilet to select suitable elements.


Mustache have long got used to the bidet. But you should first think about whether to buy a separate bidet, or choose a toilet that has a bidet function. The advantage of the built-in bidet function in the toilet replaces the bidet bowl. Which takes up a lot of space and also requires additional maintenance. In addition, such a toilet is several times cheaper.
Urinal. Usually, everyone is accustomed to seeing urinals in the toilets of restaurants, cafes and other public places. But if you look at it, then in the house it will also be an irreplaceable type of plumbing, only if the area of ​​the room and the financial situation allow you to make additional purchases.

Additional furniture. Like all other rooms, the toilet can be nicely and conveniently equipped. For example, you can install a beautiful stylish shelf on the wall where you can store your hygiene products.
Siphons. Few have heard of them, but they are indispensable elements for connecting the plumbing itself. You should not forget about them, as they are rarely included in the package.

Plumbing: Rules of Care:

In addition, in order to know how to choose plumbing for your home, you still need to adhere to the basic rules of caring for it in order to maximize the term of its operation.

Proper care is the key to a beautiful look and durability of plumbing in the house.

In order for your plumbing to serve as long as possible, you need:

Bath. As for baths, now the most popular are acrylic and enamel models. For example, acrylic type bathtubs are very demanding on their care, so you need to clean it with special products that are designed for this type of coating.

And also it is necessary to use only soft sponges, to avoid boiling water and metal objects.

The latter version of the bath is less demanding, so avoid too vigorous household chemicals, as they can lead to peeling of the enamel.

Toilet bowl. Most often, toilets are made of sanitary ceramics, so they do not require special care. For example, the basic rules for the care of the toilet: cleaning with a brush, disinfection and removal of limescale

Articles and tips for choosing and installing Plumbing:

Have you decided to renovate the bathroom, replace the old plumbing with a new one? How not to get lost in the variety of plumbing products on the market? And where is it better to buy plumbing equipment …

Plumbing is necessary to create comfortable conditions in residential, office, industrial, public premises of apartment owners, houses, clients and visitors of companies, hotels, shopping, sports complexes

A kitchen is a place where a person prepares food, consumes it, receives guests and relaxes over a cup of coffee while reading a favorite book. To make this room as comfortable, cozy and pleasant as possible, you need to take care of the competent creation of the interior, the arrangement of work areas and even what sinks for the kitchen will be installed …

A vital element in any living space is a toilet bowl. It is impossible to imagine a comfortable human existence without it. A procedure called choosing a toilet bowl, for many is fraught with difficulty, due to the large selection, as well as the numerous nuances that affect the final result

Today you can find plumbing for every taste, and the breadth of choice amazes even buyers who have seen a lot in their life. However, online stores are gradually entering our life and selling plumbing as well. Plumbing from an online store is an opportunity to purchase exactly what you need with minimal effort and time

Why has buying plumbing fixtures from an online store become so popular lately?

According to statistics, almost every second person searches for the necessary products online, and this is quite justified, since the catalogs contain a huge range of equipment

First of all, it is recommended to evaluate the known criteria in terms of their significance. Design is more important to someone, therefore, plumbing in an office or residential apartment is most often chosen by looking at the branded catalog of toilets of a well-known brand with the newest collection.

Someone takes to a modest apartment and wants comfort, so for a purely female society they will take not a toilet, but a bidet. For some, it is physically difficult and unpleasant to do the cleaning once again, so they choose such a model so that there is no splashing from it at all

Sensor faucets are gaining great popularity not only in public places (cafes, hospitals, hotels, etc.), but also in the arrangement of home bathrooms.


The main difference is the provision of contact less supply / shutdown of the water jet. There are no valves in the product and the jet has a constant temperature regime and a constant pressure.

The centerpiece of any bathroom is undoubtedly the bathtub. It is she who experiences the maximum load on herself, and also creates the first impression of the whole room as a whole. Like many to this day, the leading position in sales is occupied by the cast iron version.

This is mainly due to the confidence in the material, since, as practice has shown, cast iron baths have a long service life. For Plumbing Services Consult here

Cast iron pipes for the installation of the sewer system have been used for several years, the level of their popularity in the analysis of the long-term period has rather stable indicators.

A distinctive feature of such material, it is for sewage that resistance to constant and high loads can be called, and therefore, they are often used

If you install the plumbing correctly, then it can last for many years. But all equipment does not have an eternal service life.

There comes a time when the toilet needs to be replaced. Many people call the company for this task and call the foreman, who carries out the replacement in a matter of time. But not everyone has such an opportunity, so you need to dismantle and install it yourself.

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