How Do You Know Your Chimney Needs Repair

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Chimneys are an essential part of your home but many people assume that they never get out of  place for all lifelong and end up taking it for granted. There is no surety against problems and they can take place anytime. And you need to catch those problems before it turns into irreparable damages.

Chimneys need to be taken care off from time to time and whenever you spot any unusual conditions then maybe you should consult a chimney repair company.

Well there are certain signs that your chimney portrays in order to make you aware that it needs repair. One such sign is efflorescence. Efflorescence indicates that excess moisture has developed in your chimney and it needs to be dealt with. You will notice some sort of white discoloration in your chimney as a sign of efflorescence. You might consider cleaning that stain but cleaning ain’t going to solve the excess moisture issue which actually caused it to happen in the first place. Another such sign is shaling. Shaling is a term coined for little pieces of chimney tile getting collected in the fireplace indicating that the flue got damaged. Basically that flue lining in the chimney caters to its safe operation. So, whenever you see such small pieces immediately resort to chimney repair.

Below given we more such signs that indicates your chimney needs repair:

Rust on damper:

  • If you notice rust on the damper or the firebox of the chimney then probably it is due to excess moisture and it needs to be dealt with otherwise it will lead to unlikely consequences.
  • Moisture is the basic cause of rusting in your chimney and it can also lead to cracked flue tiles. Also, all of this can get worse if not looked upon in time. It is important to consult a chimney repair company the moment you notice rusting and let them handle the matter.



  • Wallpaper around your chimney, if it starts to get damaged suddenly then probably it is because your chimney needs repair. Damage to the wallpaper might have been caused due to the presence of excess moisture in the chimney.
  • Also, excess moisture in your chimney can cause other problems as well. So before those problems become irreparable it is necessary that you call for chimney repair services in time and get your chimney repaired by experts for good.


Chimney crown:

  • You need to keep an eye on your chimney crown. Chimney crown is undoubtedly an important part of your chimney and acts as defense against any outside elements. If the crown gets cracked, water seeps in and causes huge damages.
  • Once the water gets inside the chimney it will allow moisture to get developed again affecting the well-being of the chimney. Thus, it is imperative that you get your cracked chimney crown repaired on time. Delay will only cause permanent damages and costly replacements. In order to avoid those replacements be certain to cater to your chimney repair needs and never take your chimney for granted.