Economic Crisis Faced By Small Scale Entrepreneurs Due To The Pandemic

Economic Crisis Faced By Small Scale Entrepreneurs Due To The PandemicEconomic Crisis Faced By Small Scale Entrepreneurs Due To The Pandemic

Do you want to save your small business from vast amounts of debts in this crucial time of the pandemic but don’t know how to save it? COVID-19 has already made the economy suffer a lot in the past few months. Small businesses who are an essential part of the economy of a country are suffering much more.

Halfway through the pandemic, they are already into a considerable amount of debt. Some businesses are shutting down their sales because of this reason, creating economic and financial havoc. Small business has very reserved revenue from their daily earnings thus they may suffer a lot in crisis. Merchant cash advance satisfaction and stacking is the best solution for solving this problem of small businesses.

Wonders for Small Business Ventures

Merchant cash advance stacking is a sort of agreement in which the funders tend to provide you with immediate cash for claiming to purchase any future profits from your business at a discounted rate.

The funder gets their amount of profit from the daily revenue, which is made daily. For this purpose, the funder will get the business owner’s credit card and bank account information so that nothing stays hidden from the funders, and there is no deception.

Before lending the agreement, the funders also ask the business owners to come up with something in the form of a personal guarantee; it will be in the shape of any possession they may own, like their cars, apartments, or a piece of land. Though it has been found that these Merchant Cash Advances are not loans, because of the personal guarantee a funder asks for, it may seem like a loan.

How The Funding Amount Is Determined?

Combinations of factors are kept in mind while finalizing the amount which is to be funded. The most important points to be noted are the amount you have in your bank account and the revenues or profits you make from your business daily.

Now comes the factor that how the amount is going to be repaid? The amount usually going to be repaid found out by multiplying the financed amount by a return factor. The time for the payback period may range somehow from 3 months to 15 months. The funding is just deposited to the bank accounts of the business owners.

How Will Be The Funds Paid Back?

You can repay funds in numerous ways. It may be through a credit card only if you have funded a credit card sale. In that case, the company will payback in the form of a percentage by the daily profit.

On the other hand, if you are not using your credit card, then the funding agency will deduct the funds from your bank account, which you have provided before signing the agreement. These transactions can be done daily or weekly as desired.

Merchant Cash Advance Stacking

Merchant cash advance stacking happens whenever a business takes out multiple cash simultaneously in advance; it may be for the reasons like increasing the business’s capital or whatsoever. But what no one tells that taking out considerable amounts of money at the same time will also conclude towards the funders taking the same revenue from the business in which the investors have invested.

Usually, the persons approaching for introducing you into multiple cash systems are those who get commissioned. And all this may lead to the stacking of the business or, in short, merchant cash advance stacking. Usually, for small business ventures, it is better to avoid stacking to avoid going into loss because giving the funders more than what you made is of no sense for better sales.

Let’s take an example to understand better stacking. Suppose a company has funded you $10,000 with an amount of $14,000 at $200 a day. And the same company offers you another $10,000 with the payback amount of $12,000 at $150 a day. It will, in return, cause the daily payments from $200 to $350. For a small business, it will be a massive strain on their daily earnings.

Merchant Cash Advance Satisfaction

With Merchant Cash Advances, one may feel satisfied as it may be overlooked as much reliable as the other loan programs because it does not use interest. With this plan, the business would become much more favorable so that the funder will pay the amount required.

They will then recollect that amount from the sales made and set some percentage for collecting revenue daily. The paybacks are collected from the credit cards or bank accounts of the company. This agreement will benefit the business and cause merchant cash advance satisfaction in no time before you know about it.

Another point leading towards the merchant cash advance satisfaction is that if the amount that was decided while signing the agreement is not attainable by the company, it will compromise with its amount and take whatever the profit is made daily. Because of these qualities, Merchant Cash Advances are distinct from loans.


Altogether, merchant cash advances are beneficial for a small venture because no extra debt is imposed; only a certain amount of revenue is collected from the daily made profit.

Though the Merchant Cash Advances may tend to ask for a personal guarantee in return for the money invested, it is crucial as well because the funders are also investing a considerable capital of theirs, and they need to be assured that the running business will not be going to turn out fraudulent.

Apart from these, small businesses should avoid merchant cash advance stacking as they will not only pay the double in return, but they will also lose their earnings on the term of a daily basis.

Stephen Logan: Hi, I am Stephen Logan, a 26 year self-employed freelance content writer. I have worked on 300+ projects. I write about everything which is important.