Easy Ways to Keep Your Bathroom Clean

keep your bathroom clean

Bathrooms are often thought of as dirty places— and I can’t blame people for thinking this way. I often neglect my bathroom because I think it is going to be too much work to properly clean it. After all, bathrooms are such a dirty place, right? Well, they don’t have to be! Today we’re talking about how to clean up the grime and keep it out of your bathroom so you can dread your visits a little less. And hey, maybe spare you some embarrassment when guests need to use it.

  • The first tip is to have proper storage, which’s out of sight if at all possible.

If you look at a clean and sleek bathroom inside of a magazine or online you’ll notice that they are always so sleek and sparkling, mainly because no one lives in those bathrooms. But I’ve met people with bathrooms just as sparkling! One of the ways people attain this clean minimalist look is by having storage that’s tucked away and hidden. Baskets or storage cubbies that fit under your sink or in a linen closet are a lifesaver for holding the items you need but want out of sight. But, if this isn’t practical for you, have neat organizers on top of your countertop or purchase an over toilet caddy.

keep your bathroom cleankeep your bathroom clean


  • Everything in your bathroom has a home, and it’s up to you to build it.

You’re the Habitat for Humanity for your bathroom. Organizing should be simple and easy to figure out. Things that are often used by the sink should have a home that’s near the sink, no way on the other side of the bathroom. If you store things away from the area they’re most used it’s likely that they’ll never make it back in the odd spot you’ve put them in. So, make sure that your bathroom items aren’t homeless. Also, beware of one large catch-all organizer. Things will look more cluttered inside, and you’ll have a hard time keeping it organized and clean. Get some separators and put things into different categories. It’ll be much easier to find things and nicer looking this way.  

  • Take an extra minute after getting ready, or while you’re brushing your teeth at night to put things back in order.

You’ll be glad you did! Keeping your countertops cleared or as organized as possible with minimal clutter means that you’ll be able to clean them faster. And keep the bathroom clean. To put things back in their home that you’ve built, and do some yard work by wiping down messes as they happen. Practice this habit continuously for several days and you will never notice that it just becomes automatic.

  • Doing little things every trip to the bathroom is another great way to keep the room clean.

Keeping a trusted bathroom cleaning spray, or a tube of cleaning wipes near your sink is a must. Easy access means easy to use. Even a little square of toilet paper is enough to clean up a bit of toothpaste or makeup. Cleaning up messes while they’re small is easier than cleaning up globs of buildup later.

  • While you’re brushing your teeth, there are several things you can do to help the minutes go by faster.

You can spray and wipe down your counter, sink, and mirror. Mopping the floor with a mop that has an already wet mop pad, or one that can be operated with one hand is a great option for getting some cleaning work in as you’re brushing those pearly whites. You would probably walk around the house while brushing, so why not use that time to do a little clean-up.

  • Keeping a trash bag tucked away inside your trash can is surprisingly helpful.

The thought that you don’t have to go searching for another bag does wonder for taking out your trash more often, instead of letting it pile up until you are forced to dump half of it into another bag. Being prepared to clean is the best way to clean.

  • An easy way to clean your toilet with every flush is by purchasing some clip-on toilet bowl cleaners.

With every flush, your toilet gets a little cleaner. If this isn’t up your alley, have a designated night each week that you scrub the toilet before you go to bed. You could even do this nightly. Doing this often will help prevent staining and will keep your toilet cleaner, longer. If the stains on your toilet became difficult to remove, try pouring the cleaning agent before you sleep then leave it overnight. This softens the stains, and most often a simple flush will remove it after.

So those are some easy ways to keep your bathroom clean and beautiful. And to create a truly beautiful bathroom head on over to thetubconnection.com! Their commitment to providing you excellent bathroom furniture products has them giving you the best online prices. Making The Tub Connection one of the best companies in their industry. 

This article was written by Hosanna Rider
