Different Ways to Style a Handkerchief


As the fashion era emerges even the handkerchief or you can say bandana can be styled in various ways. You might already be aware of wearing it as a scarf but do you know, you can style in the head in more different ways. Bandanas have become the favorite accessory for some girls these days.

We will see the other ways in which women can style the handkerchief or bandanas.

The first and the easiest way to style bandanas is to fold the bandana or handkerchief into a 2cm width and tie it, knot sideways, around your neck. You can have the most elegant and graceful look.

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The second is the classic headband. You might be aware of this but stylish cotton or hemp handkerchiefs can make an incredibly unique headband. This is an easy way to sweep your hair away from your face if you feel irritated by hairs coming to your face and also the most important thing is you can avoid the headache that normally causes by a headband.

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Third is similar to a headband, but in a headband you tie the knot at the back below your hairs, here you tie the knot at the front of the head. This would be a great accessory to a casual day outing or dinner.

Fourth you can tie over ahead in a triangle shape. You can fold the handkerchief in a triangle shape and tie the knot below the hairs. Generally, we can see this style used by most Parsi women. This style gives you the most enhancing look.

Fifth is further if you are a ponytail person, if you always prefer making a ponytail then you can use the handkerchief to tie your ponytail. You can update the classic ponytail style by simply tying a stylish handkerchief or bandana around it.

The sixth is to have a look of a Persian girl. So, you have a good outfit but it needs something to go with it but none of your necklaces are speaking to you? A great way to add flair to an outfit is by tying a handkerchief around your neck. You can do this by folding the handkerchief similarly to a headband but instead of tying the ends around your neck, you can tighten it for a choker look or leave the ends long to look like a statement necklace. You are always ready to go out with this unique style.

Seventh is to style like a cowgirl chic. Another classic style to wear a handkerchief as a necklace is you can fold the handkerchief or bandana into a triangle shape and tie it around your neck. Place the triangle shape at the front side and the knot at the back behind hairs. This style can replace your old necklace and give you the most elegant and classic look.

Now, not only you can use the stylish cotton handkerchief or bandana as a hair tie, headband, or necklace but you can also style your bag with it. Tie the handkerchief around your backpack or purse, this can set you apart from the rest. Buy this stylish cotton handkerchief and set a style unique from others.

So which is your favorite style to wear the cotton and hemp handkerchief or bandana? Many women prefer having a handkerchief as a hair tie, some prefer as a headband, and more. So if you want to have some unique style to stand out from the rest. You can buy it from Rumaal, we have the latest and most eye-catchy collection of cotton and hemp handkerchiefs. Just have a look at it once.

Sonu Singh: I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.