5 Career Trends That Will Dominate In 2021

Career TrendsCareer Trends

Although the shadow of Covid-19 continues to loom large on India’s tenacious job market in 2021 as well, job aspirants and corporate professionals aren’t shying away from keeping a close guarded watch on the emerging career trends. Even though career trends don’t change drastically every year, keeping a vigilant eye on them is still critical to ensure that you make the right career move. This, above all,  spares the adherent job seekers from the unbearable agony of making an ill-fated career move and throttling their cherished dream of a better life. To give a helping hand on this noble pursuit, this enlightened article seeks to shed light on career trends that will continue their domination as well as new trends that are likely to evolve in the COVID laden year.

Emerging technologies like AI & Data Science will continue its uptick:  2021 is likely to prove yet another year when emerging technologies like AI, machine learning & data science will further entrench its presence across all the important industries. This means that the demand for AI specialists, data scientist and machine learning professionals will continue its upward trajectory this year as well. However, job aspirants who are seriously interested in pursuing their career in these respective technologies should bear in mind that they will need to have a firm grip over coding languages. If you’re indeed proficient in coding then taking a dive and trying to make a career in AI, Data Science and other emerging fields will prove more than prudent. To give just an idea, an AI specialist with 1-2 years of experience can earn 12-14 LPA (Lakh per annum) while this salary can touch even 30-40 LPA for those with 5-6 years of experience.

Executive MBA will maintain its popularity: Over the last few years, Executive MBA courses have emerged as one of the most sought after MBA courses and this trend is expected to continue in 2021 as well. Executive MBA, also known as MBA WX, degree can add lot of weightage to the job resume of a mid-level manager, primary because the corporate world rates it amongst the best management courses. When a management commands such a huge respect in the corporate corridor, it certainly deserves to be in our list of career trends. More so, because this specific trend is expected to sustain well beyond 2021 and can easily be touted as one of the ever green career trends.

For all those who are not aware, Executive MBA is especially designed for working professionals who are seeking promotion to the senior management level. This specific course can only be availed through online or distance program. Nmims MBA WX is widely hailed as one of the best executive MBA programs by corporates and students alike.

Cybersecurity’s unabated popularity will continue: Internet’s unprecedented growth over the last one decade has fueled the meteoric rise of cybersecurity industry. As internet has grown at a phenomenal pace, so has the importance to save its sprawling digital landscape from hackers and other anti-cyber-criminal activities. In all likelihood, internet’s phenomenal surge will remain relentless in the coming years, which obviously paves way for endless opportunities for cyber security professionals. Today Internet’s ubiquitous presence also makes the cybersecurity industry resilient, enabling it to withstand and remain immune to global economic uncertainties.

Jobs that can leverage ‘data’ efficiently will assume more importance: Last few years have witnessed the rise of several unconventional jobs and career that are primarily focused leveraging data. However, these data driven jobs don’t necessarily fall under the purview of ‘data science’ since their scope is more broader.  For instance, today career in Business Intelligence Analyst is widely considered as a lucrative option. Data analysis constitutes an important part of its job profile, while looking after day-to-day business administration is just as important part. Many such data driven jobs are likely to gain momentum this year as well as in the coming years. Therefore, all the job aspirants are advised to keep a close watch on jobs where ‘data analysis plays a prominent role. If you pay heeds to this advice, who knows you might land a high paying job pretty soon.

Contractual jobs will gain more prominence: Although contractual jobs have already become a norm in almost all industries and sectors, they will assume great prominence this year. Companies will become over-reliant on contractual jobs as they will aim to steam-roll through traumatic period enforced by the on-going pandemic. Contractual jobs also augurs well for companies that are trying hard to adjust with work from home protocol, which today has almost become a norm. Job seekers, therefore, may have to unwillingly embrace contractual jobs for the sake of their career.  Most job seeker desist contractual jobs but right now it will be difficult to predict whether contractual jobs will see a sharp drop in the post-pandemic era.

Sonu Singh: I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.