4 Best Online Animation Courses for Kids 2022

Online Animation CoursesOnline Animation Courses

Animation for kids may seem like a strange concept as young minds tend to enjoy watching animated content more than making it. While that may be true for some children, it’s not much for all.

Some kids love to make animations, and how can they not? After all, animation allows them to produce content that they will watch later. For this reason, animation courses for kids have gotten so popular.

Sensing their children’s interest in developing cartoon characters, more and more parents are enrolling their young learners in different online animation courses for kids. Perhaps that is why the web is teeming with digital platforms hosting animation courses for kids.

While the abundance of online animation courses for kids is advantageous for keen young animators, it makes choosing the right program tricky for parents and teachers alike. Keeping that in mind, we have rounded up the four best animation courses for kids so that you can pick the best one for your little one.

1. Wevun Animation Course by Cody

The 5-week animation course for beginners on Wevun’s Global Village is a comprehensive education program for children with different skill levels, particularly those with no background knowledge of the craft.

For the kids who wish to try their hand at animation and explore the art of creating cartoon characters, Wevun’s animation course is the perfect stop to start their learning.

If you sign up for this course, you will learn all the basics of animation, starting from intro to Pencil 2D in the first week. During the 2nd week, students will get a grasp on animation keyframes, while in the 3rd and 4th weeks, they will learn layering, parallax, and lip-syncing.

And in the last week, the animators will get acquainted with the concepts of squash, stretch, and anticipation.

Besides familiarizing the learners with animation rules and methods, the Animation Course on Wevun Global will also provide them with the opportunity to make their animations, i.e., practically apply the acquired knowledge.

This is an excellent learning program for those who want to grips with animation from start to finish.

2. PowToon

PowToon is an incredible animation learning software designed for learners of all ages. While it doesn’t fall in the animation apps for kids exclusively, its easy-to-use interface makes it suitable for young minds.

With in-depth lessons, PowToon makes understanding animation unbelievably easy. Moreover, its drag and drop interface makes learning that much more convenient. What’s more, is the software’s WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor enables kids to pick up on every detail/change instantly while editing. This means when an animator modifies a cartoon’s gait a bit, they will notice it in real-time, offering an in-depth understanding.

Additionally, the image and template library, along with the wide range of tools, which makes importing and exporting files incredibly easy, make PowToon a suitable animation learning app for all.

3. VideoScribe

Like PowToon, VideoScribe is a well-equipped animation learning software, best suited for kids new to animation.

As a young learner, you don’t need any experience with drawing or sketching to produce engaging animated content; VideoScribe will teach you to do it all from scratch. One of its most appealing aspects is a repository of stock images, templates, PNGs, audios, and videos, facilitating novice animators to compose fantastic animations.

On top of that, VideoScribe features TAWE, add-on software that enables users to blow life into their animated characters with unmatched ease. You can make both lively graphics and engaging videos with VideoScribe.

4. Animatron

Animatron is another educational program for teaching kids the ropes of animation at a steady pace. Learning animation can get overwhelming for anyone because of the endless tools, keys, and features one must know to work.

So, naturally, young minds are bound to get woozy when exposed to so many aspects all at once. This is why Animatron is arguably the best animation learning digital forum for kids, as it introduces young animators to complex concepts slowly and gradually over a period of time.

The Lite Mode option in Animatron offers a drag and drop interface to children, allowing them to move and assemble elements with maximum ease. Moving on, students learn 2D drawing, drafting characters, and developing stories, one thing at a time.

With Animatron, children get to master the art of animation even with zero experience in basic sketching and drawing, let alone animation.

If you want your little one to become a master animator, you should check out Animatron and see if it suits you (Which it most likely will because Animatron works well for all!).

Ending Note

While drawing animated characters and giving them life may seem too much to do for kids, it is not impossible. With the correct information and tools, young children can quickly become animators.

Check out the courses and software apps for learning animation mentioned in this article to pick out the best one for your child.

Sonu Singh: I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.