The Best DIY Mobile App Builders

The Best DIY Mobile App BuildersThe Best DIY Mobile App Builders

The phrase “there’s an app for everything” is no longer a hypothetical statement. There is a mobile app for every problem, type of business, or activity. However, creating apps and getting downloads seems like a pretty difficult task if you have no prior knowledge of development and design.

In recent times, some startups have created tools to create your app without reprogramming. These tools provide the possibility for people without programming knowledge to develop mobile applications easily and quickly. It’s the choice that is difficult because of the various apps present in the app stores.

We would show you the best platforms to create apps and use them skillfully. Are you ready for some DIY websites to build your own mobile app online?


With, you have several options. First of all, you can create your mobile application yourself with its complete last generation App Builder. This option is aimed at those who need to create an App to accelerate their business growth.

You can choose an initial prototype quickly and easily and gradually add functions with its drag and drop system. Also, to help you with the process, you will have a complete guide and a video on creating an App step by step so you can create your first app in less than 45 minutes.

If you want to build your own mobile app online, is one of the companies that you should evaluate. Also, they help you with publishing on both Google Play and Apple Store.


AppsGeyser is one of the oldest mobile app makers that requires no coding skills. It does not support iOS app building and is best suited for assembling web content into apps. It is perhaps the best DIY mobile app builder.

That said, if you are looking to build pretty apps, you can consider using any of the above solutions. However, if you are looking to build your own mobile app online for your website as quickly as possible, AppsGeyser may be your best choice.

It offers more than 70 application templates to start building your application without problems, and the whole process is done directly in the browser.

You can include web content in your applications, use HTML5 functions, send pop-up notifications, add sharing and analytics functions and geolocation functions. You can view or test your application in the browser and monetize it by displaying or selling ads. Once your app is ready to distribute, you can manually submit it to the Google Play Store.

Infinite Monkeys

Infinite Monkey is a tool to create mobile applications for iPhone, Android and HTML5 for free with a wide variety of templates and options that you can add to your app with the simple drag of a button. The templates make it a user-friendly DIY mobile app builder.

In its free version, they include contextual advertising, and for $ 1 a month, you have it without ads. It also has its app market where other users can download the applications created with its tool.

Mob app Creator

It is a platform designed to create simple mobile applications for SMEs and is a convenient tool. You will have your business application ready to install in the iOS and Android stores in a matter of minutes. Although it is ideal for those who do not know how to program, it seems a bit expensive than the other tools.

Mob app Creator allows you to create product catalogs, guides to sites of interest, cooking recipes, extranets, photo and video galleries, applications for online radios, conferences, concerts, etc. It is perhaps the simplest DIY mobile App Builder.

Good Barber

With similar features, this tool takes excellent care of the apps’ final design, enabling you to customize your application down to the last detail. In four steps, you will have your app ready to upload to the iOS and Android markets.


It is promoted as a free tool, although some premium options are paid. Designed for a wide variety of businesses and sectors, such renowned media has been used as the Huffington Post, ABC News, or The New York Times. It has templates that you can modify, add modules and sections to your liking.

Octopus App

It reminds us of the previous application “Como”, although of Spanish origin and with cheaper plans, more than 97,000 applications are created with Octopus App every year. It is user-friendly and is famous in the market.

The most exciting thing about this tool is that you can integrate your online store into your app, and any change you make on your website (products, prices) you will also see in your app.

Instant App builder

It is ideal for creating applications for hotels, restaurants, pubs and various venues. It is effortless to use, although it does not offer much variety in its templates. You will have all the information about your business in a simple drop-down menu. To know the templates’ price, you will have to fill out a form since they are not too transparent.

Let It Guide

This tool does not allow much flexibility in terms of content and modules to add to your app. However, it does enable essential functions such as customization of the appearance, alert users (notifications), links to social networks, googles maps, panoramas (within virtual reality) and monetization of your application through advertising.


The mobile application market is booming and is growing year after year. Large companies and institutions are increasingly betting on this app market due to its infinite possibilities, offering users their applications. Some are informative, and others are for downloading discount coupons and some apps function as a source of entertainment and games.

Traffic from mobile devices continues to grow, its growth is constant, but it increases dramatically year after year. For this reason, every day, more companies find opportunities in the app market to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the booming market. You can also use DIY apps to make your app and enjoy the benefits.

Stephen Logan: Hi, I am Stephen Logan, a 26 year self-employed freelance content writer. I have worked on 300+ projects. I write about everything which is important.