A Comprehensive Functional Capacity Evaluations Guide For Pain Relief

Modern businesses are becoming increasingly cautious about the workplace environment and implementing robust safety measures to keep their employees safe at all times. Consequently, the number of injuries per day has decreased from 38 in 1970 to 15 in 2019. However, there is still a long way to go for bringing the number down to zero. 

Amongst work injuries, the ‘re-injury’ cases are a lot higher than they should be. This is primarily due to improper recovery and inappropriate rehabilitation. 

Therefore, companies are also focusing on preventing the occurrence of re-injury. One of the most prominent measures to decrease occupational injuries is ‘Functional Capacity Evaluations. 

FCE is a comprehensive process where highly qualified physical therapists evaluate your capabilities and restrictions after a work injury. This includes movement, strength, gait, and coordination analysis. By the results of this evaluation, your PT will be able to determine the current limitations and curate a treatment plan to improve them further. 

This article will look at what FCE is and how it helps in pain relief and overall physical improvement after a work injury.

What Is A Functional Capacity Evaluation?

FCE is a term used to define holistic physical evaluation tests to determine work-related capabilities after an individual has recovered from an injury. This may be ordered by an attorney or an insurance company providing the workers’ compensation coverage or by the employer. 

It is an impartial examination of the patient’s physical capabilities which evaluate the following – 

  • Range of motion
  • Strength
  • Weight Lifting Capacity
  • Flexibility
  • Stamina and Endurance
  • Other abilities required for their job

These tests help determine the patient’s physical abilities and serve as a base for future treatment. 

Benefits Of Functional Capacity Evaluations

Typically, FCE is a 4-hr long process that involves a thorough evaluation of the medical history and musculoskeletal functioning. You can expect to derive the following benefits from these tests:

Determining The Right Time For Re-Joining

Deciding whether or not to return to work is crucial for work injuries. FCEs are primarily focused on addressing this concern with the help of data collected through physical examinations and psychological evaluations. 

Prevention Of Re-injury

Most patients re-join the work without proper rehabilitation & begin carrying out work beyond their physical capabilities. This leads to re-injury or lingering side effects of the injury. E.g., if a worker cannot carry a heavyweight, but due to overestimating their abilities, the damaged area can be impaired even more.

Dispute Resolvement

Sometimes employees and the employer/insurer do not agree on the impairment level caused by the workplace injury. This leads to disputes regarding compensation and ability to work after returning to the job. 

In such situations, the professional opinion of a physical therapist can help objectively resolve the disputes. They will provide an authoritative and unbiased decision and prevent any such problems. 

Individualized Treatment

Generally, a physical therapist carries out FCE tests. With their understanding, they can also suggest preventive measures to enhance overall work performance while recovering from the injury. 

These professionals understand well that no patient is the same, and neither is the severity of their condition or physical capabilities. According to the conclusions derived from functional capacity assessments, they will prepare a unique treatment plan for their medical history, qualifications, type of injury, and job duties. 

Overall Improvement Of Workplace

Along with assessing the patient individually, a professional physical therapist will also evaluate the root cause of their injury. This analysis will help them find the loopholes in the workplace that can lead to accidents & injuries. 

These results will suggest comprehensive solutions to improve the workplace, making it safer for the employees. 

What To Expect From Your Functional Capacity?

Ideally, before FCE, the employee or insurer will request the patient undergo an IME (independent medical examination) with a medical expert. If the medical professional concludes that the employee can return to work, but more information is required to be sure, they will proceed with the FCEs. 

They will send the FCE request in writing to the employee, explaining the process and their preferred physical therapy or occupational therapy clinic. Before the test, your examiner will review the IME and discuss it with your case with the medical expert. 

On the evaluation day, they will begin by asking general questions about your condition. Then, they will review your medical records and start conducting the physical assessment and screenings. 

Later, you will be asked to fill out the necessary paperwork and provided with an opportunity to ask some questions. If you have any problems while writing or sitting down due to the injury, they will provide the necessary help.

During the physical evaluation, you may be asked to perform the following actions:

  1. Move your hands & Legs.
  2. Sit & stand.
  3. Balance.
  4. Take our hand and eye coordination tests.
  5. Push & pull.
  6. Walk.
  7. Crouch.
  8. Do step exercises.
  9. Lift Weights.

These tests can take several hours to complete or be conducted for two days. However, it is essential to remember that these assessments should not hurt you or worsen your pain/discomfort. 

Concluding Thoughts

If you have recently recovered from an injury or are still in the recovery, you may benefit incredibly from comprehensive Functional Capacity Evaluations. As mentioned before, these tests will help you determine your limit and minimize the chances of re-injury. 

On the other hand, if you are an employer looking to enroll an injured employee for FCE – we recommend waiting no longer! These tests will prove a worthwhile investment for you and ensure maximum safety for your employees. Schedule your FCE appointment today.
