8 Indomitable Tips for Contact Page User Engagement

Every website, whether indexed or not with Google, holds the vital information so that users can reach if they have queries. A contact page is an essential generic page of every website because it contains the apt details for approaching a brand, either through email or dialing the hotline number. You might be thinking that why, out of nowhere, we’re glorifying the presence of a contact page. Surprise surprise! The website contact page is directly connected to the conversion rates.

It is a fact and a lot of people, including a bunch of I.T industry mavens, are unaware of. While acquiring custom web design services from a company, people just get created a contact page so that users can get in touch with them. This is where they commit the mistake of considering the contact page as an ordinary webpage. No, your website contact page must have a lucrative structure because it holds the crux for establishing a bond with prospective clients.

Get the know-how of crafting the right contact page & its elements in this write-up. We’ve unfolded the lesser-known facts that will surely help in the upsurge of conversion rates.


Elements of a Professionally Crafted Contact Page

The essential elements for a flawless contact page are listed below.

  • It should be easy to locate. Hence, place it strategically instead of pinning it to the footer.
  • Do not try to please the audience. Always keep the contact page simple so that users can find answers to their questions.
  • Maintain professionalism and avoid adding unnecessary illustrations/visuals.
  • Integrate the accurate information on the same page. Site map, email address, corporate address, and social media handle links can be added here.


Contact Page Tips for Boosting User Engagement

As per the web design industry mavens, there are 2 kinds of purposes served by a contact page.

  1. For contacting
  2. For convincing

It solely depends on the website contact page design that how does it impact the visitor. The website design, including the design of the contact page, leaves a sheer impact of company’s professionalism and brand value. By implementing the tips shared below, you can create an impactful contact page.


  1. The Color Combination

Color psychology can manipulate conversions. CTR can upscale even if minor changes are done. Hence, color selection plays a crucial role in driving conversions. Mostly, websites include a normal contact us checkbox that hardly gets noticed. However, adding a bit of quirkiness can make it easily noticeable for visitors. Always remain considerate of the professionalism and theme of the website.


  1. Include All Addresses

MNCs operate globally and have multiple offices. Hence, it becomes essential for companies with multiple corporate locations to enlist their different addresses on the contact page of the website. Including the company headquarters, enlisting other corporate locations helps the user to approach the nearest office. Adding the directions, closest landmark, public transport depot etc., would be of great help for the client.


  1. The CTA Clarity

New website designs tend to please eyes first than Google. This myth shouldn’t be believed because a website that pleases Google can sustain or remain aloof in the digitally competitive world. Under such designs, it becomes essential to maintain the clarity for placing the CTA and sending a strong & clear message. A perfect CTA on a contact page is:

  • Eye-catchy
  • Goal-centric
  • Easily noticeable
  • Emphasizes benefitting the user


  1. The Photo/Illustration Experiment

Having bland contact pages is followed like a tradition by website architects. No one ever questioned its relevance just because the contact us section is just a ‘detail’. No, it has direct connections with website conversion rates. By adding a photo or illustration, you can make the contact us page easily noticeable. It is a sure-fire way for winning the trust of prospective clients visiting your website.


  1. Calendar Link

Scheduling an appointment isn’t a hassle when you include a calendar link on the contact page. With such a helpful integration, it becomes easier for the prospective client to set up an appointment accordingly. It simplifies everything as there’s nothing like a clash of date or time. The prospective client will himself/herself fix the meeting date & time for further talks.


  1. Appreciate The Customer Support

Trends are consistently changing and web designers must embrace the change. Instead of adding a separate link for the customer support placed in the footer, pin in on the contact us page. This will emit a positive impact on the prospective client, as well as existing clientele, because you are valuing the customer support with this gesture. Adding the real photograph of the customer support team will help in winning over the trust of clients.


  1. Full Room for Contact Page

Just like a full-screen welcome page, the trend of integrating a full-screen contact page is on the rise. A brand has different types of customers and keeping them woven in the same thread is equivalent to bell a cat. Instead of making the customers baffled, offer them a smooth experience with a full-page contact us page. It can include sections like:

  • FAQs
  • Customer support
  • Email address


  1. Inclusion of Videos

Integrating videos on the website is a sure-fire way of boosting conversions. Digital marketers often laud this trend for driving organic traffic. Similarly, you can boost the traffic by including a scripted video where company/corporate officials tell us the ways of contacting them. It not just an out-of-the-box idea but something unconventional that will soon upsurge in the new decade!


Final Words

With a strong and appealing contact us page, no one will find it hard to contact you. By following and implementing the ideas listed above, you can surely drive some crazy organic traffic and boost the website conversion rate. All in all, everything is about a perfect website framework based on the theme that compliments the contact us web page strategies. Before implementing changes, thoroughly go-through the purpose of the website so that conversions are not compromised.    
